Audio Visual

Apinan Rattanajamorn
2 min readNov 19, 2020

title — interactive newspaper

intro — this project come from my statement “newspaper and human are inseparable” although the newspaper popular values ​​are getting less. But two things that remain are content and reading which is still important for everyone. After that I got the idea of what is in the middle between newspaper and human. Then I got a keyword “interaction” How human can interact newspaper more than read a content.. The aim is to describe that interactive newspaper can be used as a new experience content.

Research 01 — Next, I try to explore the idea of interaction. And I found a research with article Interaction content said that the ability of these interactions make understanding while also connect people at the same time. that mean

Experiment 01 — This idea came from statement “making an interaction it must to be easy and be understandable” lead me to think of the way to use newspaper while we reading. I try to select sad news from a newspaper and change a material that is paper to a cotton to make a handkerchief because the reader can took a handkerchief for tears. After this experiment, I feel that is a good visual for human interactive but the problem is few people are going to cry about this.

Experiment 02 — This idea came from newspaper is a big data that lets me think of the idea of newspaper for everyone. Everyone can be on newspaper (who does what, where, how?).

So, I create a google doc form and lets everyone get interact by writing as a content and I make a newspaper for them as “your newspaper” After this experiment I think it can develop more than people can interact with writing their content. Next is I will explore the idea of reading interactive.

- Next step, after getting the idea of reading interactive, I will develop the idea of reading interactive by create an easier platform for people interaction.

